Sunday, January 24, 2010

I just read something from jas and yh. Must try to make myself think of nothing but work! (never happened before but I must try!) get out get in get out get in get out get in!

My dad's going back to hk AGAIN (he just stayed for 1 plus day?). Was kinda touched when I woke up with a jasmine scent - they bought jasmine flower buds for me from the market cause they knew I like it alot. Its been short but I can tell they're trying much harder to maintain a good relationship with me. Hope I'll be able to work towards that too :]

I know I keep using the phrase "I appreciate it", but it doesn't mean it means less everytime I say it. The problem lies in the fact that I don't put in enough effort to SHOW I really appreciate, and I'm learning how to.

"dammit im mad" spelt backwards is still "dammit im mad"!


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